Software Vault: The Gold Collection
Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
223 lines
; MemBox 1.0 Copyright (c) 1992 Thomas G. Hanlin III
MEMSIZE equ 4096 ; size of storage space, in bytes (must be below 32768)
RESLEN equ (Start - MemBox + 256 + 15) SHR 4
Sseg segment byte stack 'prog' ; dummy stack segment
Sseg ends
Cseg segment byte public 'prog'
assume cs:Cseg, ds:Cseg, es:Cseg, ss:Sseg
org 100h
MemBox proc
jmp Start ; skip code for resident routine
db MEMSIZE-3 dup(?) ; storage area
; NOTE that the "JMP Start" code is construed as part of the storage area.
MemBox endp
INTRmux proc ; multiplex interrupt ------------------
sti ; allow interrupts to occur
cmp ah,0CFh ; is it for us?
je IM_OurMux ; yep, go process it
IM_NormMux: db 0EAh ; *** self-modifying code
MUXOFS dw ? ; *** JMP FAR PTR xxxx:yyyy
MUXSEG dw ? ; (original INT 2Fh vector)
IM_OurMux: or al,al ; status request?
jnz IM_OurMux1 ; no, skip
dec al ; AL=0FFh to show we're here
iret ; go directly home
IM_OurMux1: cmp al,1 ; "remove self" request?
jne IM_NormMux ; no, exit
mov ax,0 ;
push ax ;
pop es ;
cli ; interrupts off
mov ax,cs:MUXOFS ;
mov es:[00BCh],ax ; restore old INT 2Fh vector
mov ax,cs:MUXSEG ;
mov es:[00BEh],ax ; restore old INT 2Fh vector
sti ; interrupts on
push cs ;
pop es ; return current segment in ES
iret ; return to sender
INTRmux endp ; multiplex interrupt ------------------
Start proc ; main program -------------------------
cld ; set direction forward
call ParseCmdLine ; parse the command line
jc _Done ; if invalid, take error exit
_Start1: cmp TSR_OFF,0 ; remove TSR?
jz _Start2 ; no, skip it
mov ax,0CF00h ; check for TSR...
int 2Fh ; ...on the multiplex interrupt
inc al ; is it installed?
jnz _Start1A ; no, skip
mov ax,0CF01h ; tell it to remove itself
int 2Fh ; (returns TSR segment in ES)
mov ah,49h ; free up TSRs memory
int 21h ;
jmp _Done ;
_NotInstMsg db "MemBox is not resident",13,10,"$"
_Start1A: mov ah,9 ; display a string
mov dx,offset _NotInstMsg ; ptr to "Not installed"
int 21h ;
mov ERRCODE,1 ; set error code
jmp _Done ;
_Start2: mov ax,0CF00h ; check for TSR...
int 2Fh ; ...on the multiplex interrupt
inc al ; is it installed?
jz _Start2A ; yep, skip out
mov es,ds:[002Ch] ;
mov bx,1 ; one paragraph
mov ah,4Ah ; shrink the environment
int 21h ;
cld ; set direction forward
mov si,offset PROCNAME ; install name in mini-envirn
xor di,di ;
mov cx,8 ; 16 bytes maximum
rep movsw ;
mov ds:[0080h],MEMSIZE ; store memory size for later
mov ax,352Fh ; get multiplex int vect (INT 2Fh)
int 21h ;
mov MUXOFS,bx ; save old misc system services
mov MUXSEG,es ;
mov ax,252Fh ; install new multiplex int vector
mov dx,offset INTRmux ; ptr to our routine
int 21h ;
mov dx,RESLEN ; size of TSR in paragraphs
mov ax,3100h ; terminate and stay resident
int 21h ;
_Done: mov ah,4Ch ; terminate program w/ error code
mov al,ERRCODE ; get the error code
int 21h ;
_Start2A: mov dx,offset _AlrInstMsg ; ptr to "Already installed"
_Start2Z: mov ah,9 ; display a string
int 21h ;
mov ERRCODE,1 ; set error code
jmp _Done ; go exit
_AlrInstMsg db "MemBox is already resident",13,10,"$"
Start endp ; main program -------------------------
ParseCmdLine proc near ; parse the command line for parms -----
mov si,0080h ; ptr to length of command line
mov ax,si ; zero AH
lodsb ; length of command line
cmp al,1 ; is it null or nearly so?
jbe PCL_Help ; yep, go help 'em
mov cx,ax ; length of command line
mov di,si ; update ptr to command line
mov al,"/" ; switch character
repne scasb ; see if we can find it
mov si,di ;
jne PCL_Done ; no, go exit
jcxz PCL_Done ; exit if no parms left
lodsb ; get option character
dec cx ; account for it
and al,0DFh ; convert it to uppercase
cmp al,"D" ; D>einstall?
je PCL_Remove ; yep, take care of it
cmp al,"I" ; I>nstall?
jne PCL_BadParm ; nope, error
PCL_Install: mov TSR_ON,1 ; set /Install flag
jmp PCL_ScanParms ; go try for another parm
PCL_Remove: mov TSR_OFF,1 ; set /Deinstall flag
jmp PCL_ScanParms ; go try for another parm
PCL_Done: cmp TSR_OFF,0 ; did we get an option?
jne PCL_GoodExit ; yep, it's good
cmp TSR_ON,0 ; did we get an option?
jne PCL_GoodExit ; yep, it's good
PCL_Help: mov si,offset INFO ; ptr to info about MemBox
PCL_ShowInfo: lodsb ; get a char
or al,al ; end of text?
jz PCL_BadExit ; yep, go exit
cmp al,0FFh ; unprintable char?
jne PCL_SI1 ; no, go display it
mov al," " ; convert to space
PCL_SI1: mov dl,al ; get char ready to display
mov ah,2 ; display a character
int 21h ;
jmp PCL_ShowInfo ; go for all chars
PCL_BadParm: mov ah,9 ; display a string
mov dx,offset PCL_BadParmMsg ; ptr to "Invalid parm"
int 21h ;
mov ERRCODE,2 ; set error code
jmp PCL_BadExit ; go exit
PCL_BadParmMsg db "Error: invalid parameter",13,10,"$"
PCL_BadExit: stc ; set error flag
ret ; return to sender
PCL_GoodExit: clc ; clear error flag
ret ; return to sender
ParseCmdLine endp ; parse the command line for parms -----
; -------------------------- transient data area ------------------------------
INFO db "MemBox 1.0 Copyright (c) 1992 Thomas G. Hanlin III",13,10
db 13,10
db "This TSR provides a fixed block of RAM for use as a data transfer area.",13,10
db 13,10
db "Syntax:",13,10
db " MEMBOX display info on MemBox",13,10
db " MEMBOX /I install MemBox",13,10
db " MEMBOX /D deinstall MemBox",13,10
db 0
; These are flags set by ParseCmdLine according to the switches it finds.
TSR_OFF db 0 ; whether to remove TSR from memory /D
TSR_ON db 0 ; whether to install TSR /I
; The original environment will be discarded by the MemBox TSR, since it won't
; be needed and takes up space. We'll install the following as the new name
; in a tiny environment, though, for the benefit of MAP utilities.
PROCNAME db 0,0,1,0,"MEMBOX.COM",0,0
ERRCODE db 0 ; number to return as ErrorLevel when program exits
Cseg ends
end MemBox